Sheep Gestation Calendar
Sheep Gestation Calendar for January - March Breedings Based on 147 day Gestation Period Date of Breeding Est....
Sheep Gestation Calendar for January - March Breedings Based on 147 day Gestation Period Date of Breeding Est....
Four main considerations before you visit a farm to pick out your project lamb. Breeder Reputation – are...
Showmanship: Showmanship can be defined by an effective presentation of your lamb. You are judged on your ability...
Tips On Training: Time: Spend time with your animal—clean their pen, provide them with feed and water, and they...
Ideal Market Lamb Weighs approximately 110 to 120 lbs Fat covering - be able to detect lamb's backbone...
Showmanship is easily the most important quality for success in the show ring. Knowing your animal, its strengths...